Workshops by Advanced Certified Members
Regular price
$15.00 USD
$7.50 USD
Workshops by Eagala Advanced Certified members are still considered part of the Independent Study program, however when the Advanced Certified professional completes this form for attendees, the CEU hours have a discounted rate of $7.50 per hour (up to 8 hours allowed per workshop) and individual members do not need to fill out the Independent Study activity form. This form must be completed by the Advanced Certified professional who conducted the workshop - individual members who attended may not submit this form. Make sure to list the names only of those Eagala Certified members who wish to have the hours counted for their certification renewal and submit payment for the total number of hours. If this form is not completed by the Advanced Certified member who conducted the workshop with payment submitted, then individual members will only be able to qualify Eagala CEU hours through the regular Independent Study route (filling out the activity form individually and paying the $15/hr fee).