Straight from the Horses’ Mouths: Business Leaders’ Discussion about Eagala Model Companies
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Straight from the Horses’ Mouths: Business Leaders’ Discussion about Eagala Model Companies
Panel with:
• Annie Ricalde, Psychologist, Co-founder & CEO, TAAC Coaching, Mexico
• Kristen de Marco, Founder & Executive Director, Gateway HorseWorks, & President, WorkHorse, Pennsylvania
• Lisa Gatti, Founder & CEO, Pal-O-Mine Equestrian, Inc., New York
• Lynn Moore, MA, LADC, Co-founder & CEO, Acres for Life, Minnesota
• Patti Mandrell, M.Ed., LPC, Co-founder & Executive Director, Refuge Services, Texas
• Moderator: Lynn Thomas, LCSW, Founder & CEO, Eagala
Join five top business leaders from different regions, serving diverse populations, for a discussion about strategy, growth and success incorporating the Eagala Model to create sustainable businesses. The presentation will include interactive time with attendees for questions and discussion. This is a unique opportunity to spend time with an amazing, and fun, group of Eagala Model business pioneers - learn from their experiences and apply what has worked to your own businesses and Eagala Model programs.
Time: 2 hour
Cost: $30
Eagala CEU hours: 2