When Both are Both: Trauma Lens for the ES and MHP by Sharolyn Wallace and Charlie Bowman
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When Both Are Both: Trauma Lens for the ES and MHP
Presenter Name: Sharolyn Wallace
Licensure Credentials: PhD, LCSW, RPT-S, IMH-E, Eagala ES/MHP
Secondary Presenter: Charlie Bowman
Licensure Credentials:
Being both an ES and MHP has it uniqueness. Working in both roles has its challenges and benefits. When considering the trauma-informed lens necessary for both roles, it is imperative that the dually certified person understand how to respect their current role in the Eagala session and how the other certification may impact their trauma lens. Hemingway and Sullivan (2021) noted that clients “were responded to in the same way as horses by the facilitator, in response to their body language primarily
rather than the spoken word." Participants in this learning session will analyze how their own understanding of the trauma lens and their specific role at the time may be enhanced or improved. Understanding dysregulated, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors from the trauma lens is important for both the ES and MHP. This recognition will help to improve the experience for both the horse and the client(s). Punzo, Skoglund, Carlsson, and Jormfeldt (2022) research indicated, "Interaction with the horse helped participants to become active participants in their own recovery process, as they became engaged in activities such as tending, playing, and learning which reinforced their confidence." This workshop will engage participants in analyzing strategies to expand the trauma lens of both the ES and MHP to build on the Eagala session for the client's enhanced mental health and well-being. Facilitating the expertise of having a dually certified ES/MHP discuss strengths, limitations, and expectations in the application of trauma-informed work in the Eagala session will be critical to this learning experience.
Objective 1: Participants will discuss the strengths/limitations of being both an ES and MHP.
Objective 2: Participants will recognize how the trauma lens is applied in both roles and the intersection of the roles.
Objective 3: Participants will analyze two strategies to improve the trauma lens of both roles