Leadership Development Program for Youth by Abigail Hornik and Carolyn Yegen
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Presenter Name: Abigail Hornik
Licensure Credentials: Eagala Advanced Certified
Secondary Presenter: Carolyn Yegen, MEd
Licensure Credentials: Masters in School Counseling, Eagala Certified
The curriculum is divided into 8 group sessions and highlights the following primary goals for partcipants to be able to teach clients upon completion:
• Create a pattern of behavior guided by the 7 Habits® teachings that creates an individualized value structure supported by individual accountability and building valuable relationships.
• Teach the common language identifiers for individuals to self-advocate and express emotions in any environment.
• Develop tools and strategies to self-regulate emotions and remain in a state of mind conducive for learning and listening.
• Provide the general frameworks to structure and create a foundation of social awareness and social expectations.
• Progress through the development of the human-animal bond demonstrating the process of creating connection and trust.
• Teach the process of planning and prioritizing personal ambitions into achievable and measurable goals.
• Identifying valued activities intended to create space for reevaluation of personal values and reduce anxiety.
• Introduce a set of skills and habits that are foundational for the development of roles and relationships throughout life.
Objective 1: Participants will be introduced to an 8 session curriculum of "The Habits of Happy Kids", with the supporting practices of The Zones of Regulation and Social Thinking Rules and Tools
Objective 2: Participants will learn how to help clients improve habits and strategies that encourage healthy social and behavioral characteristics
Objective 3: Participants will be come away with a tool box of equine assisted session activities relevant to developing leadership skill in youth